Our construction lubricants ensure optimum efficiency in the toughest operating conditions, reducing machine downtime, optimizing maintenance and other associated costs. It serves to improve your work and protect your investment.



We appreciate your need for operational reliability, particularly during peak sowing and harvesting periods.
Our lubricants can help you to prolong machinery life, reduce maintenance costs and emissions, and increase equipment availability. From heavy-duty engine oils to specialist final-drive lubricants, we supply a wide range of innovative products and supporting services backed up by international expertise.
Develops lubricants suitable for public works, mining, and Earthmoving equipment. These multi-purpose oils satisfy the most recent demands of manufacturers and international standards required in this sector (MAN, RVI, MB, ACEA, API…) while giving priority to simplicity and logistic economy.
Products include: A very high performance specific multi-grade lubricant for naturally aspirated and turbocharged engines of worksite equipment of all kinds. The products meets the requirements of API CI4/SL and relevant OEM specifications. A “Low SAPS” technology lubricant specially developed for Earthmoving or Construction machinery engines, with or without Diesel Particulate Filters.

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